This sentence is grammatically incorrect, but it means: "What a good bonus/cousin!"
(It should be que buena prima for a female cousin and que bueno primo for a male cousin).
"Bueno tengo que" translates to "Well, I have to" in English.
If you are asking what "que bueno no sabia que usted habla espanol" means, it's: "how nice I didn't know you speak Spanish"
How well you dance.
How good! In English we might say "How wonderful!" instead.
have goodnight ma'am
It is good that you are not working.
Very well, madam
Adjective: -que -qual de -bueno -lindo Pronoun -que Interjection -como
How great, something new.
It means, "What is there [that's] good?"
"Lo que es bueno en USA" translates to "what is good in the USA" in English.
"Qué bueno fue conocerte" translates to "It was great to meet you" in English.