pre-delivery inspection
Pre-teen refers to a person who is not yet a teenager (age 13 to 19).
It stands for Pre-Menstrual Symptoms.
All India Pre Medical Test
Pre Assembled Units
Developmentally Appropriate Practice
It's PSI and it stands for; Pre-Sentencing Investigation
it stands for Faith in Jesus Crist
Depends what you are pre-ordered. Of course, if you have just ordered the standard edition of the game, you will just get a stand alone game.
Pre 1971 in the UK there were twelve pennies in a shilling
Pre-menstrual Project manager perfect man penal monster LOL!
Not exactly. Pre and post are not really complete words. They are essentially prefixes that may sometimes be used separably to modify adjectives, but cannot stand alone the way the words before and after can. We may speak of pre-Columbian art but we do not say it was made pre Columbus's arrival.