P0420 = Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold Bank 1.Replacing the oxygen (O2) sensors may sometimes fix the code, but in most cases the catalytic converter needs to be replaced to fix the problem. If the P0420 code is combined with other codes, try fixing the other codes first.
The price for a used Lexus ES330 can vary depending on the condition of the vehicle. In general, a good price for a used Lexus ES330 will fall around the $12000 price range.
Trouble code P0420 means:Catalyst system efficiency below threshold
You need to have a mechanic service your car. The flashing light means the compressor is not engaging.
Pioneer is the manufacture.
Airbag. Off light
The 2005 Lexus ES330 uses the 3MZ-FE Toyota V6 engine, which has a timing belt.
what does trouble code p0420 means on 2000 daewoo laganza
Trouble code P0420 means: Catalyst Efficiency Below Normal (Bank 1)
According to the Gates website : The 2004 Lexus ES330 , 3.3 liter V6 : Has a timing BELT , it is NOT an interference engine , change the timing belt at 90,000 miles