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"Lloyd TSB car insurance covers many things, including a ""courtesy car"" when yours is broken, a 24/7 helpline, 60 days EU coverage, up to $100,000 legal coverage, help with getting financial compensation if you're hurt, and will also give you a replacement car that you can use for up to 2 days if your car is damaged in an accident."

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Q: What does Lloyd TSB car insurance cover?
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What is the address of the registered office for Lloyds TSB car insurance?

The address of the registered office of Lloyds TSB car insurance company is Pegasus House, Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate, Peterborough PE2 6YS, England.

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yes because if you have insurance on your car as long as you name is on the title and you were in the car with your friend most likely the insurance will cover it

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NO, That's what car insurance is for.

What if someone is driving your car and they get into an accident and do not have car insurance?

Do you have car insurance? Yours will cover it. Your friend if he is a true friend, will cover the deductible.

Will my own car insurance cover a rental car?

Your own car insurance will only cover a rental car in some cases. It will depend on your current insurance plan. Either way, you can take out insurance for the rental car.

Car accident bill health or car insurance?

Car insurance and possibly health insurance if the car insurance does no cover the entire bill.

Will car insurance montreal, Canada cover me when I drive over the border to Detroit, MI?

Certainly car insurance montreal will cover for the insurance no doubt in it

Does homeowners insurance cover hospital from a car accident?

No, Homeowners insurance is for the house. it does not cover cars or car accident claims.