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It means to let it be, or let it alone or that it will either get better on its' own or not.

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Q: What does Leave it to its own accord mean?
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What is the age limit at which you can leave your home in SC?

16 with parents permission and 18 on your own accord I believe.

How can you make a ghost leave?

Get a priest or paranormal investigation team and ask the professionals to drive them out. On the other hand, you could simply ask them to leave of their own accord.

How do it take care of my closing toung piercing?

Good oral hygiene and leave it alone, it will close on it's own accord.

Why did Larry Dunn leave Earth Wind and Fire?

He didn't leave on his own accord. The leader/founder of the group, Maurice White disbanded the group to try a solo career.

Did the actor who played Zach on Bones leave on his own accord?

Yes. He decided to move to New York to pursue other interests.

Could you please create a sentence using the phrase 'on one's own accord' for me?

"If I don't get permission from the boss, I think I'll just go ahead and do it on my own accord""It's not a thing one should really do on one's own accord""Nobody showed you how to do it, you just did it on your own accord?"

Will Aston Villa sack their manager?

We can't tell the future, but some managers are sacked and some leave of their own accord and by mutual agreement with the board.

What other involuntary muscles exist besides the heart?

If by involuntary you mean acting of its own accord, the organ the lungs act without you controlling them, even when you hold your breath eventually you will breathe of your own accord. The stomach and intestines are involuntary muscles.

Can I collect unemployment if quitting full time employment to move out of state moving out of a rental to live in own house.?

If, of your own accord, you voluntarily leave employment, you are simply unemployed BY YOUR OWN CHOICE and therefore not eligible for unemployment benefits.

What is accord?

An accord is an agreement of opinion or action, or the spontaneous impulse to carry out an action, in terms of "doing something of one's own accord".

Can your parents legally kick you out of their house at age 16 in Michigan?

Not kick out but for some reason they are able to leave of their own accord as they are considered legal run-aways at 16.

Do pill bugs need to be removed from compost before adding to garden?

Not to worry . . . they will leave on their own accord. They hang around the compost bin because it is dark and moist. But when the compost matter is spread around the garden, then tend to leave for darker places.