

What does FLHTCI mean?

Updated: 10/16/2024
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Q: What does FLHTCI mean?
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Tis underneath the transmission on the left front of the square oil tank.

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Depending on the tire, some people have successfully installed a 140. Otherwise, the stock tire is a 130

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All 1998 Softail models, including the Fat Boy, are carbureted. Only certain touring models were available with EFI in 1998, specifically the FLTRI, FLHTCI, FLHTCUI and FLHRCI.

Where do you find yearly production numbers for specific Harley Davidson motorcycles models?

One simply calls Harley Davidson at 1-414-343-4056 and they can tell you, over the phone exactly how many were made. Have your VIN at the ready. For exapmple; I called and found out that my bike (a black and silver 2003 FLHTCI) is one of 2057 black and silver FLHTCIs produced in 2003.

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Mean is the average.

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Do you say 'what does it mean' or 'what is it mean'?

The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"

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