The FG on the reverse is the monogram of Frank Gasparro, he designed the reverse of the coin
There are .1479 troy ounces of silver in a 1967 US Kennedy half dollar.
Late 1960s Kennedy half dollars are currently worth around $5.
Please turn the coin over and check the denomination. It's a HALF dollar.
The 1967 Kennedy half dollar is a 40% silver coin, value is about $5.00. The coin is very common.
All U.S. halves from 1964 to date are KENNEDY half dollars.
There was no official dollar bill or coin with JFK's image. The only US Mint issue from 1967 with his picture would be a half-dollar.
It's the monogram of Frank Gasparro, who designed the coin.
As of 19 March 2016, 40% silver Kennedy halves (1965-70) are worth $2.34.
Yes, Kennedy's face is still on the half dollar.
Kennedy is on the HALF dollar. A 1994 half is worth 50 cents.
A 1967 Kennedy half dollar is only 40% (.14792oz) silver. Current spot price of silver is $32.06 it's intrinsic value is $4.74. A buy offer should be about $3.00 for a single coin.
At current silver prices, it's worth about $5. Kennedy halves dated 1965-70 contain 40% silver.