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It's not a mint mark. The initials FG stand for Frank Gasparro, who designed the reverse of the coin. Gilroy Roberts designed the obverse. The only mintmark a 1964 Kennedy half can have is a "D." It's to the left of the olive branch in the eagles claw.

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Q: What does FG mean for mint mark on 1964 kennedy half dollar?
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What is the mark on Kennedy's neck 1964 half dollar?

Hammer and sickle

Where is the mint mark on a 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar?

On the reverse, to the left of the stem of the olive branch. D = Denver, blank = Philadelphia.

What is the value of a 1964v Kennedy half dollar?

1964 Kennedy halves are extremely common, currently worth about $10 for the silver content. Also, V isn't a mint mark on any US coin.

What is the value of a Kennedy Bicentennial Half Dollar graded MS64?

August 12, 2009 The Kennedy Bicentennial Half Dollar in MS64 is valued at $15 with either mint mark.

1965 half dollar value letter e mint mark?

There are no mintmarks on 1965 Kennedy half dollars.

Where is the mint mark on a Kennedy bicentential half dollar?

If the coin has one it would be just below Kennedy's neck on the obverse of the coin.

Where is the mint mark on a Kennedy half dollar from 1976?

If the coin has one it would be just below Kennedy's neck on the obverse of the coin.

What is the value of a 1996 Kennedy half dollar with a d mint mark?

It's just a common date half dollar that's still found on circulation, spend it.

Value of 1973 Kennedy half dollar?

The value of a 1973 Kennedy half dollar can vary depending on its condition and mint mark. In circulated condition, it is typically worth its face value of 50 cents. If it is in uncirculated condition, it may be worth slightly more to collectors. A 1973 Kennedy half dollar with an "S" mint mark from the San Francisco Mint in uncirculated condition could be worth around $2-$3.

What is the value of 1971 Kennedy half dollar without the d or p stamped on it?

The "P" Mint mark was not used on half dollars until 1980, it's only a half dollar so spend it.

What mint in 1964 did not mark its coins?

Philadelphia did not mark the Dime, Quarter or Kennedy Half dollar that year. Prior to 1980, Philadelphia did not use the P mint mark on any coins, with the following exceptions: > 1979 $1 coins > wartime nickels made from mid-1942 to 1945

How much is a 2007 s proof Kennedy half dollar worth?

A Kennedy Half Dollar that was minted in 2007 and carries a mint mark of "S," was produced in clad and silver. The clad in a proof state is worth: $4; in silver, the value is: $7.00.