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Espania (Spain)

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Q: What does E stand for on a European car plate?
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E is the international car registration plate for which country?


If a car has the letter E on it what European country does it come from?


What does 112 equals e e p n stand for?

This is a Ditloid The answer is 112 = European Emergency Phone Number

What does e stand for in e numbers?

responsiveness of investment to interest change

What does the E stand for in E numbers?

Europe. It means that the additive has been recognized as harmless by the European Union.

What e stand for?


When was European Physical Journal E created?

European Physical Journal E was created in 2000.

How do you pay Interstate 470 E. Colorado tolls?

If you do not have an account and the transponder in your car the agency will send a bill to the address that the license plate or vehicle is registered with.

What is e stand for in a math problem?

"e" might stand for a variable depending on a question.

What European capital city begins with E?


What does the ''e'' email stand for?

ElectronicThe E stand for ElectronicElectronicThe E stands for Electronic.

When was European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning created?

European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning was created in 2005.