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differential pressure sensor.

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Q: What does DPS stands for in engine scanning system?
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What does conviction sent to DPS mean?

"Conviction Sent to DPS" typically means that your disposition was forwarded to the Department of Public Safety (a state level law enforcement agency) to be recorded in your official criminal record..

What does dps and eeo stand for on my2005 Honda Accord stereo?

DPS = Digital Processing System Not sure about EEO but it may have something to do with the sound equalizer.

In World of Warcraft what does DPS stand for?

It stands for Damage per second. Higher is better. DPS can also be refered to as the act of applying damage to a target, or to refer to a class that has the primary role of damage (mage, hunter, warlock, etc.)

What is DPS stand for?

well it really depends what you are trying to find DPS for .... :b

When did dps firozabad uttar pradesh receive franchisee from dps society delhi?

dps firozabad was afake school which duped hundreds of students/parents under disguise of Dps brand.ultimately due to hon`ble high court delhi it has to close down operations under dps brand....

How much is 1 dps olive oil in recipe?

1 dps = 1 drop

What is the relation between dps society and dps trust schools?

The DPS Trust is a BIG fraud. It is not same as DPS Society Schools franchisee. The DPS trust is not having any registered office, they are frequently changing their offices to avoid recievingCourt Notices. DPS Trust started after taking registered trademark of Delhi Public School & its modified logo from Indore (MP) in 2007-08 and started selling franchiee to innocent school investors. The Trust is taking very big upfront fee almost in cash & giving nothing to the franchisee owner (like School system, curriculum, Training to staff, Monitoring, Quality Standard, any help etc). After taking franchisee the owner has to do all the things through consultants or their own. There is a case pending in Delhi High-Court against DPS Trust for not to use DPS name & its similar logo, trust is not allowed by the High court to give franchisee. These facts can be verified with any franchisee owner in confidance at any time. DO NOT TAKE DPS TRUST FRANCHIESS, ITS ILLIGAL. The complete proceedings & details about Case at Delhi High Court can be verified with the ref No CS (OS) No 1518/2008 & 1A No 9212/2008. DPS Society and Trust are two different bodies. DPS Society started earlier than trust. They give the franchisee and the chairman is from their board of members whereas in DPS TRUST is another group they started later and all the schools have their own society. They too franchisee like Society has. They also have defined office and management system in Delhi, Gurgaon. The standards of both the group are mostly the same. The major difference is society become the partner in all schools whereas trust give 100% share to the running party.eedings

What is the lunar module engine?

The lunar module engine was a rocket engine used to land and take off from the moon during NASA's Apollo missions. It was called the Descent Propulsion System (DPS) for landing, and the Ascent Propulsion System (APS) for taking off from the lunar surface. These engines were crucial for the success of the moon landings.

What is magazine rate IFC and DPS stand for?

IFC stands for Inside Front Cover, which refers to an advertisement placement in the front inside cover of a magazine. DPS stands for Double Page Spread, indicating an advertisement that spans across two facing pages in a magazine. Magazine rate usually refers to the cost or rate associated with placing an advertisement in a magazine.

What is the relationship between dps trust and dps society schools?

DPS Society and Trust are two different bodies. DPS Society started earlier than trust. They give the franchisee and the chairman is from their board of members whereas in DPS TRUST is another group they started later and all the schools have their own society. They too franchisee like Society has. They also have defined office and management system in Delhi, Gurgaon. The standards of both the group are mostly the same. The major difference is society become the partner in all schools whereas trust give 100% share to the running party.

For a Death Knight what spec is a DPS spec?

Death Knights have two specs that are DPS. Frost and Unholy.

The best dps class rift?

The Paragon (Warrior) is by far one of the best DPS class rift.