

Best Answer

American General offers whole insurance, life insurance, group life insurance, annuities, and voluntary life insurance.

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Q: What does American General offer to people?
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What is general and specific offer?

A specific offer is when an offer is made to a specific person or to a special class of people and a general offer is when an offer is made to the world at large or to the general public.

What is generic and specific?

A specific offer is when an offer is made to a specific person or to a special class of people and a general offer is when an offer is made to the world at large or to the general public.

How many checking account plans does American General Finance offer?

American General Finance does not offer any checking accounts. This company only offers personal loans, bill consolidation, and home improvement loans.

What types of insurance does American International Group offer?

American International Group offer many types of insurance cover to their customers. They offer general insurance, life insurance, retirement plans and travel insurance.

When did AARP offer its first Defensive Drivers Course?

American Association of Retarted People

What kinds of financial services does American General Finance offer?

Basically, American General Finance offers loans to consumser, both secured and unsecured. However, beware the company has many complaints against it. It is now know as Springleaf Financial Services.

What companies offer clear credit cards?

Based on the knowledge of the general public, most would assume that companies such as Visa, Mastercard, and American Express offer very clear credit cards.

What is the Chinook word for American?

The Chinook word for Americans and white people in general was "Boston"

What service does American Laser Centers provide for people?

American Laser Centers provides removal of unwanted hair for people. People can schedule an appointment to have hair removed. They sometimes offer deals or discounts.

Are any General Sherman people alive?

No, none of Gen Sherman's people are live today. General Sherman himself on February 14, 1981 and he served as General during the American Civil War in the 1800s.

Where can a person find reviews on American General Financial Services?

If a person is interested in finding reviews on the American General Financial Services they can visit different websites including Pissed Consumer, Indeed, Glass Door and Insider Pages. These pages offer many reviews.

What schools in Florida offer American heart association CPR classes?

There are many schools in Florida offer American heart association CPR classes, I think. Why don't you search on the internet to make it easy for you and all the people.