

Best Answer

Cubic Centimeters. It is the combined sum of the volume of all cylinders in an engine.

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Q: What does 100cc stands in motorbike?
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Can you ride a 100cc motorbike when you are 16?

Not legally, you have to be 17 to ride a 125cc or less scooter on the road

What type of motorbike is best for beginners?

the best type of motorbike to start with is prob a100cc so you can learn the basics of a motorbike .like the controls and riding safe and confident (but you be better going to trainning school )then you can gradually get a bigger bike once you get experience and confidence on a motorbike .but after a 100cc i suggest a 250 cc cos you dont,want to go to a 750cc +bike cos it be to powerful for you and we don't, want you to kill yourself

What music is playing in crank 1 when he stands on the motorbike?

never back down and i will punch you in the face by the goo goo plaxios and high in the sky by cotton mouth they are mixed together and you get the motorbike song

A 100cc is how many hp?


What is 100cc in Oz.?

100cc is 3.38 fluid ounces.

What does cc mean in maths?

If you mean cc as in from a motorbike it stands for centimetres cubed. It is a unit of Volume. 1 cc = 1 ml

How fast does a 100cc quad go?

a 100cc stadard quad goes about 40mph

Does Robin have a motorbike?

Yes he has a motorbike but it wasn't exposed his motorbike at all times.

How do you unlock 100cc star cup?

win the 100cc mushroom cup and flower cup

What are some examples of motorbike accessories?

Some examples of motorbike accessories include: bike stands, tire gauges, fenders, batteries, fork oil, handlebar pads, and air filter cleaning kits. Motorbikes have many different accessories for various needs.

How does 100cc compare to 1 ounce?

100cc is equivalent to approximately 3.38 fluid ounces. So, 1 ounce is smaller than 100cc.

What is a 250cc motorbike?

its the size of the engine in the motorbike.