0 ohms on your ohm meter indicates an open circuit; no resistance to the flow of electricity.
Ohms not current (amps) indicate continuity. If you have no continuity then you will read an open line condition (OL on meters). If you have continuity you will have some type of resistance reading in ohms. 0 ohms would indicate continuity 0 amps indicates no current flow.
If the question means to indicate multiplication, then the product is 75,000 cubic ohms.This quantity has no physical meaning or significance.
You must find a resistance value for 0 dB as reference. If 1 Ohm = 0 dB then 10 ohms = 20 dB and 100 ohms = 40 dB.
You can consider a short circuit to be a resistor with R=0 Ohms. It is then clear by the equation for calculation of parallel resistance that the combined resistance of a resistor in parallel to a short circuit is 0. Consider the following example with R1= 1k Ohms and R2= 0 Ohms: Rtotal = R1*R2 / (R1+R2) = R1*0 / R1 = 0 Ohms.
0 Ohms empty, 90 Ohms full.
Here is what I go by, 0 - 15" min 3000 ohms, max 10000 ohms. 15 - 25" min 4000 ohms, max 15000 ohms. 25 - 35" min 6000 ohms, max 20000 ohms. Over 35" min 8000 ohms, max 25000 ohms.
87 to 90 YJ fuel guage sender is: 0 ohms = empty; 44 ohms = 1/2; 88 ohms = full
A jumper. They have a single black stripe.
· What does the "L" stand for? The "L" stands for load. · What does the first 0 indicate? Indicates address. · What does the second 0 indicate? Indicates drive. · What does the third 0 indicate? Indicates first sector. · What does the 1 indicate? Indicates number.
It would be the sum of the two resistances, as they are connected in series.
Three red color bands indicate a resistor value of 2,200 ohms (2.2 kohms)