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Drive like a Cullen is a phrase from the movie Twilight. The cullens drive very haphazardly or crazy and so driving like a Cullen means that is what you are doing

Most of the Cullens drive aggressively, ignoring the speed limits and going 100 miles per hour at the least.=). They also steal cars often, if they need a car. Read New Moon, around page 430, I think. Alice steals a yellow Porshe and drives like a manic to Volterra.

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3mo ago

Oh, dude, driving like a Cullen means driving really fast and smoothly, like those vampires from Twilight who zoom around effortlessly. It's like gliding on the road with supernatural skills... or just being a really good driver, I guess. So, if someone tells you to "drive like a Cullen," just channel your inner vampire and hit the gas pedal!

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