When you are buying a new car you will need to have the following documents with you, your drivers license and proof of insurance. You should also be ready to provide proof of income if this is the first time you are buying a car.
Congrats on thinking about buying a new car. Here are a few websites you can go to to help you pick a new car that suits your tastes; http://www.edmunds.com/car-buying/5-questions-to-ask-before-you-say-yes-to-a-new-car-deal.html and http://www.caranddriver.com/features/buying-a-car-what-to-know-before-you-go
you should ask if the car has or has had any problems or damage.you should also look for any scratches or dents on the car that you want to buy.
If you are wondering what criteria has to be met when shopping for new car tires because you are considering on buying new car tires for your car, then you should follow the easy guide for picking out tires for your car.
Some thing to consider before buying a car would be the age of the vehicle, mileage, any damage the car has incurred as well as what if any repairs have been done to the car.
When buying a used car you should always get a background report on the vehicle. You should always keep in mind what type of vehicle you will need. When buying a new car always keep in mind that there will be things you may need to replace down the road so if you want to be extra safe then you should have a mechanic look at a vehicle your interested in
Its a huge purchase, you should know everything you possibly can. If you are buying a new one, rent a similar model for a few days to see if you like it.
When it comes to buying a new car I would suggest Edmunds. They have a vast amount of information that will help you decided and make the right choice. They have a large selection of cars and experts that answer variety of questions about them.
It depends on a person's individual needs. If a person is looking to have a full extension vehicle, for everyday use, they should look into buying a new vehicle because it will run longer and better.
There is no age requirement for buying a new car. As long as you have the cash, you can buy a car.
Yes, under California law it is the standard norm.
One can find tips for buying a new car from friends and family, and even from the car sales companies themselves. Another source is New Cars for Dummies.
There are many services and/or companies that help people buy cars, whether it be used or new. To find a reputable car buying service, one should look in the Yellowbook.