As per company policy means that a rule has been established at an earlier time that everyone in the company must follow. One example of a company policy might be a return policy for a retail store.
determined as per the policy of company......
They vary per policy and per company. They will be listed on the policy itself under the section entitled "conditions".
The term "in force" means the policy premiums have been paid up to date, and that if the person who is insured dies, the ins company will pay the death benefit.
Each company has its own safety policy. You have to specify the company; then you might find out what their policy is.
The minimum office space per person depends on company policy, and in some countries, the regulations of the country you are working in.
It depends on the policy of the company or agency paying the reimbursement. Some may pay $0.07 per mile, others may pay $0.12 per mile. If there is to be a reimbursement, there is a policy establishing the rate of reimbursement.
A company policy applies to everybody that works at the company.
The policy has to have a company name; contact that company.
cancel the licence of the company
"Is it mandatory for your company to pay per diem?" means "Is your company required to pay an allowance for daily expenses?" or "Is your company required to pay on a daily basis?"
Not sure if you mean, if you mean for insurance to issue a policy on a business, policy will be submitted to the underwriting dept. that will review, and investigate the risk and then make the determination if their company will 'accept the risk' of insuring this business.
It appears that 5 mill per occurrence is the consensus in the company, then the best recourse would be to consult a lawyer. A lawyer may help you state your case regarding the umbrella policy years ago.