There is really nothing you can do to fix this problem. You'll probably have to replace it.
Heads are aluminum and block is cast iron
REDBEARD ANSWER:A cracked block cannot be repaired. Either replace the engine or get rid of the car. However, if you're not certain that it's a cracked block you can check the head gasket and/or freeze plugs. In general Detroit engine blocks seem to be a little more durable than some and you don't get quite as many cracked blocks. Head gaskets however are common especially if the engine has overheated.Aluminum blocks can be repaired and welded the same as cast iron the difficulty is in the material being welded and where the crack is. Aluminum can be tig welded cast iron is more difficult as the block has to be heated to near red hot to be welded then there is a good chance the weld will not take but have done this on cast iron heads and welded with a high Nickel rod and it has held.
how u know the block is really cracked
An engine block is usually cast iron or aluminium.
You can "Magnaflux" the block assuming the block is cast iron or steel and the block is stripped down and cleaned for rebuilding.
many cars todayhave aluminum heads and cast iron blocks these different metals heat and cool at different rates if you have overheated you may have warped the head or cracked the block
cast iron and nickel
I hate to break the bad news, but if a cylinder is cracked you have two choices: junk the engine or junk the car. Once the block is cracked there is no way to repair it since it is cast in one piece. I've heard of pressing an iron sleeve into the damaged cylinder, but I don't hear of shops doing that any more.
they don't call the 2.5 the "iron duke" for nothing. it's an cast iron block, cast iron head.
A standard GT 262 mower has a cast iron block with aluminum heads. This design allows for a cost effective engine which is both durable and easy to work on.
The engine block is cast iron.
A cracked block is a fracture [crack in your engine] you need a new block!Try to find a used motor in a junk yard. Good luck toro2.