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You get to keep the money you have left over after paying the body shop. It is considered part of your insurance settlement.

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Q: What do you do if there is money left over after you pay the body shop for repairing your car after an insurance claim?
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If you receive an insurance claim check made out to the body shop and you and you want to make your own repairs can the check be re-issued to you?

The insurance company issues the check in both names, because there is still money owed on the vehicle. In which case, you would not be allowed to make your own repairs.

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It depends on the insurance companies' policies. If they declared the vehicle a total loss you can do what you wish with the money. If they simply gave you a check and told you to take it to a shop of your choosing you can also keep the money as well. If they make a two-party check requiring a body shop signature and yours, then you have to take it to a shop.

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Is there Insurance coverage for tattoos you have had done on your body?

Insurance will not cover cosmetic procedures or elective surgeries. Things that you do to yourself voluntarily are not considered diseases or disfigurements. If you had a tattoo and the tattooist really messed you up and left scars and infection, you could probably file an insurance claim to pay for the treatment of the infections.

Can you sell your body to since for cash be-four you die?

No, giving your body away when you die is a donation. You do not get paid for it, but if you bought insurance for death, your family (E.g Wife, daughter, son etc...) will get a sum of money depending on how you died or which kind of insurance you bought.

What substance builds up body tissues?

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Who do pay your car insurance deductible to?

Your deductible only gets paid in the event of a claim. For example, you tap a light pole in the mall parking lot. The pole is ok but your car is damaged. If you have comprehensive coverage on your car, your insurance company will pay a claim to have it repaired. So, you get a body shop who says it will cost $1,400 to fit it. If your deductible is, say, $500.00, your insurance company cuts a check to the body shop for $900.00 which is the difference between the damage repair bill and the deductible. Thus, you must come up with the $500.00 amount.