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If your antifreeze is green and it's foaming then you are getting air into the system. It is coming in by way of the water pump or you have a cylinder head gasket leaking compression.

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Q: What do you do if there is greenish foam in the radiator?
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leaking head gasket or improper fluid in cooling system

Is 'greenish' an adjective?

greenish is an adjective

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no, they are not related. tiny bubbles that make the radiator "foam up" is the result of exhaust gas leaking into the radiator. causes are blown head gasket, cracked cylinder head or cracked block. hth

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No. There is no evidence of life on Mars. The greenish color is due to the presence of greenish minerals.

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Most likely a really slight leak in the radiator allowing the fluids to mix slightly.

What do you do if there is a brown foam in your radiator?

flush it dissconect both hoses and lfush it out good then refill with coolant flush it dissconect both hoses and lfush it out good then refill with coolant

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What happens when the water in your radiator looks a brownish color and has a foam on top of it?

A brownish color with foam on top of the water in your radiator can indicate the presence of engine oil mixing with the coolant, possibly due to a leaking head gasket or a cracked engine block. This issue can lead to overheating, engine damage, and should be addressed immediately by a mechanic.

What colors do you have to combine to get the greenish color?

Yellow and blue can be combined together to make the greenish color. Also, yellow and dark, green can create that "greenish color."

What is the color of the greenish egg white?

The color of the greenish egg white is pale green.