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I faced the same thing about a year ago. The insurance company did not want to give me what was needed. I got on-line and found many cars that were just like mine and showed them that my car was worth more than they were wanting to give me. They still did not want to give me what the car was worth. So I went to small claims court and filed suit on the driver of the other car. The person's insurance has to represent them. Also go and look at the comps that the insurance company are using for your car to see if you can replace the car for what they want to give you.

AnswerUltimately it is your responsibility that you either made low payments, took out a very long loan, or picked a car with high depreciation. The insurance company is not liable for the inflated amount you owe--only what the car is worth. AnswerThe insurance company will only give you the value of the vehicle, as per the "Kelly Blue Book". They will also send an appraiser out to see what the condition of the car was, as in mileage, any previous damage.

If the accident was another driver's fault, you have to sue him and/or his insurance company for the remaining balance.Whatever you borrowed to obtain the vehicle wil always be more than the car is worth. You have already lost money on it as soon as you drove it off the car lot. But do your research. Go online for "Kelly Blue Book", and get the estimate of the car's value. If it is more, then dispute it with the insurance company. Print the page out.

AnswerWhen you bought the car new or used from the dealer you had the option to purchase something called GAP INSURANCE from them (the Dealer, not the insurance company) for your exact situation. If you did not have enough equity in your car for the insurance pay off to cover it AND did not have gap insurance. basically you are screwed and responsible for the rest of the loan amount car or no car. Some people believe Gap insurance is a rip off so they do not offer it to you and some just don't know what it is. They do not need to be selling cars. Not fair but the way of life. Father is an insurance sales man. I also had a girl hit me I had GAP insurance and she did not. She still had to pay off the balance on the loan even though she did not have the car. The courts won't do much because you had the option to purchase gap insurance and you did not, it does not matter that you did not know.
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Q: What do you do if the insurance for a totaled car does not pay off the car loan?
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Do you have to pay off the car loan if you have totaled the car?

Yes, if your insurance company will not pay it all.

Car totaled insurance value car at 16000 and loan amt is 12400 can you use your gap insurance to pay off car loan?

If they gave you 16000 on the car, you would not need gap insurance since your loan amount is 12400.

What can you do if your car is stolen and you still have a loan on the car but your insurance does not cover theft and they recover your car totaled?

YOU pay off the loan like you agreed to in the contract. You likely agreed to have ins. that covered theft also. You should have had full coverage on a car with a loan on it. Sorry, you have to pay the loan off and now you own a totaled car! Comprehensive coverage isn't that expensive and would have covered theft.

If you are in a car accident and the car is totaled does your car loan get paid off through insurance?

Not unless you have the new option in insurance of the new car replacement. If your car is totaled, you will be paid the Blue Book price for your vehicle. This sum is the amount your vehicle is worth at this time. Any amount over this sum that is still owed to a car loan is still due.

Who pays remainder of loan when car is totaled?

It depends. if you have GAP insurance, the insurance company will pay the payoff amount. If you do not have GAP insurance, it is the holder of loan's responsibility to pay off the complete open loan regardless of the amount paid by the insurance company.

Do you have to carry car insurance on a car you cosigned for?

No, BUT the person driving it does and if they fail to do so and the car is totaled then you will both be on the hook to pay off the its something to think about

What if my car was totaled in an accident the insurance pay off the debt?

Only if you carried GAP insurance will it pay off what you owe to the Lienholder. If not then they will only pay what they valued your car to be worth which may or may not be enough to pay off the loan.

How do you get your car title from Bank of America?

The only way to get your car title back from the Bank of America is to pay of the loan that the title is collateral for. If the loan is paid off, they will send you the title in the mail.

Does gap insurance cover if your behind on car payments?

Unfortunately, no. What gap coverage does is pay the balance on your car loan if your car is totaled and the insurance payment is not enough to pay off the balance of your loan. Quite often our vehicles depreciate faster than we can pay them off. Insurance only pays the depreciated (blue book) value, so sometimes what you will get from your insusrance company doesn't pay off the loan.

Can you claim on gap insurance even if you are not short?

The purpose of gap insurance on an automobile loan is to pay off the portion of the loan that wasn't paid by your auto insurance company. If you the insurance company pays off the entire loan, there isn't a trigger to activate the gap policy and there isn't an amount to pay since it only pays the difference. Example: You buy a brand new car for $20,000. You drive off the lot and now the car is worth $17,000. If you have a covered loss and it is determined that the auto is totaled, the insurance company pays to the loss payee (loan company/lien holder) $17,000 because that is what the car is worth now. The gap policy would pay the additional $3,000 and pay off the loan. If you didn't have gap insurance, you would stay have to pay off the $3,000 even if the car was totaled out.

If an accident is your fault and your car is totaled do you receive any money for your car?

That depends on what insurance coverage you have. If you bought only the state-required liability, NO. If you have full coverage you will get the book value of the car minus your deductible. If you have a loan on the car, this will probably not pay it off and you will still owe the remainder unless you also purchased "gap" insurance. Gap insurance will cover the remainder of the loan except for the deductible.

Who gets the check if your car is totaled?

You, if you own the car outright or whatever institution carries the loan, if you haven't paid it off.