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The finance company will sell the wrecked car and you will be liable for the balance on yourloan less whatever the car sells for which in your case will be almost the total of your outstanding loan.Then they will come after you for the money.

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Q: What do you do if the finance company has put repossession on your car due to non-payment and you wrecked your car and you had no insurance coverage?
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Can insurance cancel your insurance after they have taken payment?

An insurance company can cancel your coverage for any number of reasons, all of which would need to be laid out in the policy (contract) that you signed with them upfront. The most common reason that a company would cancel your insurance would be for nonpayment. Other than that, you are probably safe unless you lied about something on the application.

What type of company is Complete Coverage Insurance?

Complete Coverage Insurance is the type of company referred to as an independent insurance agency. They provide insurance coverage for automobile, home, health, business and life.

Which insurance companies will insure you for liability insurance for an automobile and boat repossession company in the State of Michigan?

Contact a good agent, they will be able to assist and advise you, if they do not sell the coverage/policy you need they will be able to refer you to one that can.

Can a vehicle be reposessed for no insurance coverage?

Yes, Almost every Auto finance contract requires the buyer to carry Full coverage auto insurance for the term of the finance note. Failure to company with the terms of the finance contract you signed is a default on the part of the buyer and subjects the vehicle to repossession and other remedies at the disposal of the finance company.

Is Golden rule insurance a company or rule of insurance?

Golden Rule Insurance is an insurance company offering various health insurance coverage plans, auto insurance coverage and homeowners insurance. They are affiliated with Unites Healthcare Company and are based out of Indianapolis, Indiana.

What is coverage?

what the insurance company includes as part of the insurance policy.

Can you sue the state for hitting a deer your car is total and your insurance will not pay?

You are required by law to have liabilty coverage, but not collision coverage. If you did not have collision coverage then you are not due any compensation by your insurance company. If you did have collision insurance and the insurance company will not pay, then you may be able to sue the insurance company, but you cannot sue the state.

How do you confirm your auto insurance coverage?

Call your agent or your insurance company.

Where can I find out more about insurance coverage for gastric bypass?

Your insurance company can discuss insurance coverage for gastric bypass surgery with you. If you have a diagnosis of a weight-related disorder such as diabetes, coverage is common.

Do homeowner insurance policies typically include flood coverage?

There is no requirement, but your mortgage company may require a certain amount of coverage that both policies will have to match.

Is it lawfull for your vehicle insurance to charge you for what they have covered?

Yes, That's how it works. The insurance company sells you coverage in the form of an insurance policy and you pay a premium in exchange for that coverage. If you don't pay for the coverage then your not covered.