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In early cars (before 1930s), grain alcohol (cheap whiskey) mixed with water (or sometimes lamp alcohol mixed with water) was sometimes used as radiator antifreeze. Also sometimes radiators would simply be drained every night during cold weather to prevent freezing, and refilled with plain water before the vehicle was to be used again.

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Q: What did you use before antifreeze in cars?
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Related questions

Was antifreeze invented before cars?

Antifreeze properties of some liquids were known about long before cars were invented.

When did we first use antifreeze in cars?


Do new cars use antifreeze?

99.9% of all car in the world use one or another type of antifreeze.

Why cars use of antifreeze in summer?

Antifreeze also raises the boiling point, has lubricants for the water pump, and has corrosion inhibitors in it.

How often do you use antifreeze?

Normal people use it everytime there cars freeze up ;p

Do all modern cars have antifreeze?

Not all modern cars have Antifreeze. The vast majority of them do though.

Do volkswagons us antifreeze quicker than most cars?

Volkswagen or any other vehicle shouldn't use any antifreeze. If any car is using antifreeze something is wrong.

What type of antifreeze for 1999 Ford Taurus?

I'm pretty sure its the green like alot of older cars. but to be safe get the MULTI use antifreeze.

How do you use the word antifreeze in a sentence?

I need to fill my car's radiator with antifreeze before winter comes.

Do cars run with water?

No, cars use internal combustion engines which require a flammable fuel. There is a 50/50 mixture of water and antifreeze use as a coolant in the engine.

When did people first start using antifreeze in cars?

they started using antifreeze in cars in 1324 march.20 on tuesday

What did people use before cars?

Before cars there were carriages pulled by horses. Before cars there were carriages pulled by horses. Before cars there were carriages pulled by horses.