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Carlos Juan Finlay (1833-1915) of Cuba discovered the method by which yellow fever was spread.

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What has the author Carlos Eduardo Finlay written?

Carlos Eduardo Finlay has written: 'Carlos Finlay and yellow fever' -- subject(s): Mosquitoes, Yellow fever

How old is Carlos Finlay?

Carlos Finlay died on August 20, 1915 at the age of 81 years old.

When was Carlos J. Finlay Prize for Microbiology created?

Carlos J. Finlay Prize for Microbiology was created in 1980.

Did Carlos Finlay have children?

Yes, Carlos Finlay had three children. There were two girls and one boy. Their names were: Elizabeth, Eva, and Christopher.

What are the names of two scientist from the Caribbean?

Dr Juan Carlos Finlay (Cuban) (1833-1915) and Noel Gonzalez

What were some difficulties that encountered and overcome Carlos Juan Finlay?

there was a disease that spead and carlos got it

Who named yellow fever?

Carlos Finlay and Walter Reed.

What year did Juan Carlos Finlay die?

he died in 1915

What was carlos finlay's theory?

Carlos Finlay's theory was that mosquitoes were carriers of the Yellow Fever virus and thus responsible for its spread. His theory was proved correct after almost 20 years of his stating it.

How carlos finlay has contributed to preven the spread the infectious diseases?

He married with the girl

Which hispanic physician discovered that mosquitoes spread yellow fever?

Carlos Finlay.

Who were Carlos Finlay parents?

His father was Edward, a Scotch physician, and his mother, Isabel de Barres a native of France.