travel by car: best day to travel?
Sat.morn. 3Am
Sunday far don't have to deal with trucks and deliveries in most places
by car
I would travel by plane and car around America.
a Tuesday is the best day because there is not that many travlers out
By car
The best place to travel for a romantic Valentine's Day is back to the spot where you had your first kiss, date, or your honeymoon.
yes exactly
to visit Blarney for the day you could travel by car on the M7 and M8 motorway - about 2.5 hours from the limit of Dublin or you could travel by train from Dublin Heuston to Cork and travel to Blarney from the station - about 3.5 hours
In the past people travel by traditional things like camels , horses. Nowadays people travel by plane , car, train etc.
An Travel Agent looks up tickets and finds date which are best for you to go on.
Tuesday is the best day on airlines. During that day they tend to have special offers and discounts going on. The next best day is Sunday.