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Sundays after hangovers and church

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Q: What day do most accidents happen?
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On what day do most car accidents happen?

Most fatal car accidents happen on a Saturday.

Where do most accidents happen at home?

the most accidents happen in thekitchenbathroomstairs

What day of the week do most accidents happen?

Most accidents happen on Friday and Saturday and some on Sunday because teenagers are coming back from parties and are driving under the influence.

What time of day do most traffic accidents occur?

Most accidents happen between the hours of 7am and 9am and 4pm and 6pm. This is when 76% of the accidents in the USA occur.

What day of the year do most car accidents happen?

Friday the 14th. not there is no certain

Under what conditions do most boating accidents occur?

Most of them happen on hot days during busy times of the day.

Where do most road traffic accidents occur Rural roads or on the motorway?

Most accidents happen where there are the most people. HOWEVER, about 50% of fatal accidents happen on rural roads.

How many accidents happen in a day?

It is estimated that there are nearly 15,000 car accidents every day. Of these, nearly 3,000 people die each day in accidents.

Where do most of the road accidents occur?

Most accidents happen on the highway or on the ghats on the hill.

When do most car accidents happen?


How do most car accidents happen?

Most car accidents happen because people are careless. People also do things while they are driving that cause accidents, such as using cell phones, texting and eating.

Where do car or motor vehicle accidents mostly happen?

most accidents happen at intersections, where there are a lot of cars, or where there are high speed limits.