Monico has the most cars per 1,000 people with over 748 cars. This will vary from one source to another. The country with the most registered cars is the United States.
London (UK). Highest number of sales there and more than 700 cars roaming around in london. The highest compared to any state in any country.
India. The one best producing mica country.
three quarters the amount of people of the country
its obvius its japan since that's were the car is made
As of 2007, Modesto, CA had the highest thefts reported per 100,000 people. By State, California has the highest amount of car thefts by far.
The amount of pollution a car spreads in the environment is directly proportional to how badly it has been taken care of. Always buy the highest quality of car, especially if it is a used car. Always buy your cars from a well known platform like SoloAutos etc for the highest quality cars.
Tennessee. i think that's spelled right?
America has the highest, considering the amount of technology it has produced. Seeing as both Microsoft, and apple are American companys.