There seems to be only a few companies in existence that have the word Direct in their name. They include the most famous one DirectTV, and Polaris Direct.
"Unfortunately upon researching Bell Direct, I found that there are multiple companies that go by the name Bell Direct and therefore it is difficult to give you an honest answer. There is online share trading, as well as car insurance that both go by that name, but they both seem to be reputable companies."
There does not appear to be a product called Media Direct that is made by anyone, nor is there a company with exactly that name. There are several companies with similar names such as Icon Media Direct and Social Media Direct.
The following companies sell cash registers for cheap: Memo Etc, EPOS Direct, Shop Stuff, Cash Register, Hopkins Catering Equipment, Boards Direct, Nisbets, to name a few.
A couple of companies that provide satellite direct tv in the USA are the Dish Network and DIRECTV. Other smaller companies offer similar services but these are the most established companies in the USA.
Only Public Companies as defined in Section 3(i)(iv) of companies act 1956 can use word limited in their name.Private Companies sh Only Public Companies as defined in Section 3(i)(iv) of companies act 1956 can use word limited in their name.Private Companies shall use private limited at the end of their name and it is optional for the companies registered under section 25 of the Companies act 1956 to use word limited.
Some direct marketing companies are Avon, Amway, Natura, Herbalife, Oriflame and Mary Kay. Moreover, Ignite, Miki Corporation, Primerica, Omnilife and Scentsy are direct marketing companies as well.
Direct quote from Wikipedia... "The name India is derived from Indus, which originates from the Old Persian word Hinduš."
To find a company that offers direct insurance, consult with an insurance agent or broker. They can provide information on companies that can provide direct insurance at low costs.
The word 'Daedalus' is a noun, a proper noun, the name of a character in Greek mythology; a word for a person.A noun can function as the subject of a sentence or a clause, as the direct or indirect object of a verb, and as the object of a preposition.
The prefix word for direct is "in-" as in "indirect."
There are many payroll service companies that offer direct deposit. Some of the most well known payroll service companies that offer direct deposit would be Intuit or US Bank.
The English word 'canyon' has direct roots in the Spanish name for the same geographic feature. The Spanish word came from a Latin word.