nothing because nothing would fit so you have to buy something that's subsituted for it
a feeler guage cannot be calibrated, it is made at precise measurements that cannot be changed. When a feeler guage is out of spec, it is replaced.
The common cleaning sponge.
the bleech
You could try household radiation as a title.
"Enduring" could be substituted for "taking" to express a negative viewpoint.
Wonderful could be substituted for "good."
"likely"could be substituted for probable
It is difficult to suggest what common household items can easily be converted to a safe digital camera case, as it would depend on the size of a camera. Things such as small purses, or possibly even some cosmetic bags could be used as a safe camera case.
Crown royal could be substituted for bourbon in cooking. The desired taste may be off what you're looking for, though.
Yes it can as well as a little Ginger.