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If the car is starving for fuel or air (low power at idle), the car will stall while turning.

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Q: What causes your car to stall while turning?
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What causes a car to stall while turning?

sensor or belt

What causes a car stall while turning?

sensor or belt

Why does your car stall when you turn?

my van stalls while im turning or coasting no one seems to know why can you help me its an automatic

Why will Car stall when turning left or right?

This is a symptom of a few problems. Most likely is a fuel issue. What type of car and how consistent is the stall?

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sounds like a cv joint

Why would a car stall while turning?

Because the driver took their foot off of the gas and slowed down in a high gear. Or probably because they didnt push in the clutch. Either of those things can stall a manual transmission.

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A 1998 Honda Accord could stall because it is out of gas. The car could also stall because of a bad computer.

Would a busted head gasket stall your car?

Yes, a busted head gasket might stall your car if the gasket causes the car to overheat. This can actually blow the heads and cripple the car completely.

Can you stall or is it just harder to stall a manual car while driving at speeds over 40?

It depends on the gearing of the car. If you are in the highest gear and 40mph in that gear is under the idle rpm of that car than you will stall.

Why does your car stall when idling and on lpg?

If its a turbo car it will stall if the blow off valve is not shutting properly as the pressure drop is too much for the engine to keep turning, same with lpg when you idle the pressure in the engine drops and it will stall you can correct this by changing the timing

What causes car to stall while driving then be able to start again after bout 30 minutes sitting there?

Stalling while driving may be caused by a collapsing or kinked neoprene fuel line.

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what causes my car to stall gas is accelerate