Webbing is caused by several things. You plastic is too hot, or stretchy and uneven suction. Try vacuum forming the plastic with a little less bulge, and when it is stretched over the buck, wait a few seconds before turning on the vacuum.
Vacuum forming is a simplified form of thermoforming. Thermoforming heats plastic to a certain temperature, and is put on a mold while applying a vacuum to the mold.
Vacuum forming is a versatile manufacturing process that can use a variety of materials, including thermoplastics like ABS, polycarbonate, PETG, PVC, and acrylics, as well as engineering materials such as polycarbonate blends and ABS/PC alloys. At The Plastic Works, they can work with a wide range of materials to meet their customer's requirements. Vacuum forming is commonly used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, medical, and packaging. For example, vacuum forming is used in the automotive industry for creating interior and exterior vehicle parts, while in the medical industry, it can be used for creating medical equipment enclosures and covers. Vacuum forming is also popular in the packaging industry for creating packaging inserts, trays, and clamshells.
A vacuum leak (Brake booster).
To fit both those symptoms it would be a vacuum leak, check all the vacuum hoses and the intake
The most common thing that will cause this will be a vacuum leak and you need to check all of the vacuum lines first..................
Anticline formation occurs when compression causes the crust to rise in one area, forming an upward fold, while syncline formation happens when compression causes the crust to sink in another area, forming a downward fold.
you have a control vacuum leak, listen for hissing noise under dash when engine is running.
Many things can cause lag while driving at a low RPM but not at a high RPM even if it is not the vacuum hose disconnected from the EGR valve as it could be the fuel filter. It can also be the park plugs.
The reason why this happens is condensation. When hot and cold mix, they produce moisture. Kind of like a cup at a resterant, after a while it starts forming dew.
vacuum leak, check the gasket under the throttle body for a vacuum leak. Spray some carb cleaner around the base of the throttle body while the engine is running. If there is a vacuum leak you will hear a change in the rpm's when you hit the right spot.
It is NOT the electric motor creating that sound, it is the suction pump that is driven by the motor that is creating that sound while creating the partial vacuum that sucks in the dirt. If you have an upright vacuum cleaner, the beater brushes also make quite a bit of noise when you have them turned on when doing carpets.