A bad/dirty vehicle speed sensor (vss) or bad wiring will cause this.
the sensor is usually a magnetic pickup and any metallic dust stuck to it will affect the signal
clean the sensor or get a new one
Cruise will NOT work if the speedometer has a problem
due to contraction of heart
Car insurance rates can fluctuate due to many factors. One of the factors is the particular insured driver's driving record or history. If one has had previous accidents, it would greatly affect the car insurance rate.
Broken speedometer cable.
I need a fuse diagram, our speedometer does not work, neither does our seat belts work automatically. The drivers side seat belt is locked in the off position. We felt it may need a new fuse. We have changed the instrument cluster on the odometer.
Could be low on coolant or a sticky thermostat.
Is the TCM working normally and throwing no codes?
If the speedometer and odometer are both not working, I would blame the speed sensor. If only the speedometer does not work and the odometer does work, the cluster is bad.
is this happening when car is at idle? the indicators use power so sometimes at idle the amp meter will fluctuate because of this. if this is happening when driving i would have alternator and battery checked
When you turn a corner the guage fluctuates.
what causes the speedometer not to work