Hundreds of possibilities. The DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) system has detected a fault somewhere. If your car is 1996 to present, you can run an OBDII scan, but in all cars a blinking light indicates a more serious problem than a steady on light
It is indicating that there is a fault with the engine of the car. You need to take it to a garage for repair/service.
Check to see if your gas cap is tight.
With a scan tool, or try turning key on, off, on, off, on and counting the blinks of the check engine light. blink, blink, blink, pause, blink would be 31.
On some if you turn key on, off, on, off, on. The check engine light may start to flash the code. blink, blink, bink, pause blink would be 31.
If the MIL blinks at the moment the engine bucks, them its a cold stall, were the engine is about to turn off, if the light is blinking on its own, is impossible, MIL are constantly on, because its a emission related code.
Cycle key on, off, on, off, on.
why does my airbag light blink off and on on my 92 mercury gran marquis ls
Sounds like a bad switch or relay.
Yes if it is working correctly.
first you nee to check and see if your car is referred to as OBDI or OBDII if its ODBI then you start with the car off.. turn the key to run but do not start the engine.. at this point you have less that 5 seconds to push the gas pedall all the way to the floor and press the overdrive button five times... then the check engine light will stay on.. and then blink... next its going to blink out the code for you for ex. blink-pause-blink blink-pause blink blink blink-pause blink n that would mean the problem code is 1231 just Google BMW problem codes and use that dcode to find out what the issue is..
door ajar switch in door
Yes, the blinking securtity light will blink when the car is off.