Black smoke means you're burning fuel, blue smoke, you're burning oil, white smoke, you're burning coolant.
Sounds like you need a ring job, white/grey smoke from the exhaust usually means oil is burning in your engine. Your engine may need a tune up or a compression check, bring it in to your mechanic.
grey exhaust smoke is caused by your engine burning oil during the combustion process. this could be caused by a piston ring that doesnt properly seal, or another leak in your engine.
Injectors, timing, low cylinder pressure.
Blue/grey smoke is usually oil. White smoke is usually coolant in the exhaust. IE: blown head gasket or something. note: if the smoke goes away after it runs for a minute it's oil runnung down the valves when it sits. Common problem, won't hurt anything.
the valve guides could be worn out The carburetor is running fuel rich and needs adjustment. If it were valve guides or rings the smoke would be blue
What gray smoke means: Gray smoke is caused by brake fluid. It generally means that your brake master cylinder is bad, and is getting sucked through the vacuum brake hose.
Why is smoke coming out of my 96 s10 oil fill and exaust blowing grey smoke
if there is backfire, check the exhaust restriction....
Grey/whitish smoke usually burning water/black smoke usually burning oil-could be head gasket issue. Look for signs of water loss, overheating or water in oil pan.
check for cracked heads, or blown head gasket.
its not always a bad thing its just your oil usually when the engine is still cold