The car wants you to take it to a certified mechanic, for a change.
If you mean your gauges are going crazy, this is likely the result of a loose or bad ground wire. It could be the ground wire for your battery or any ground wire that is tied into the gauges.
Your cluster is bad. Happened to mine.
It is possible there is a short circuit on your brake light circuit which is pulling the voltage down causing the gauges to go haywire.
Mine did the same thing and it was the alternator going bad.
You battery could be dead or low on power if the van will not start and the gauges are going crazy.
this is common, i have had a few.. its normal for all the gauges to max out then return to normal but to go " crazy " ck battery ground. then if persists pull out control head and ck grds. there. still? send head to spedo. repair shop
A bad alterator or voltage regultor
check battery and alternator
Sometimes the ground strap to the body of the car can come loose. This will cause things to flicker. Ground from the battery needs to be connected to the engine block, the frame, and the body to keep things working properly.
loose battery connection, or dead battery.
Could be the drivers.
call the police, FBI, or go to the nearest crazy hospital you can.