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A cracked primer bulb. You will need to replace it.

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Q: What causes gas to come out the primer bulb?
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How the primer bulb on a weed eater works?

It sucks gas from the gas tank to the carborator using nothing but suction In general the primer bulb draws fuel from the tank through the carb and then returns it to the tank. Look for "carb" and "tank" on the primer bulb and make the respective connection. A line should come from the tank to the carb. Another from the carb to the primer. and another back to the tank.

Echo weedeater primer bulb wont fill?

cracked gas line, cracked bulb, or weedeater out of gas

Why does gas run from the primer bulb on my snowthrower?

Because it probably has a crack or a hole in it.

Why won't my Briggs 6.75 not prime?

no gas, bad or disconnected gas line or cracked bulb. Possibly something small blocking the hole inside behind the primer bulb.

Briggs and stratton primer bulb not working?

You either have a bad bulb or a bad fuel line between the bulb base and the gas tank. If there is the slightest hole or crack in the bulb it will not work. They are easy to replace.

How do you put a primer bulb on an older lawn boy that does not have one?

Go to your local Small Engine Repair shop and ask for a gas cap with the primer pump on cap. They work great!

Briggs and stratton engine will only run if you keep pushing the primer bulb?

not getting gas.... needs carb cleaned

What if your craftsman lawnmower is pouring gas out of the primer what is wrong with it?

Very likely your primer which causes a vacuum to pull the fuel from the tank to the carburetor has a "rubber ball" and rubber gasket that has cracked, causing it to leak gas.

Why you have to push the button for gas of the lawn mower?

If you are talking about the bulb button it is a primer to get gas to the carburetor if the mower has not run for awhile. Usually not needed to restart a warm mower.

How do you Route fuel lines on a Poulan chain saw?

long line with filter goes from gas tank into carb shorter line goes to (INLET) suction side of primer bulb 3rd line goes from OUTLET side of primer bulb to other carb fitting

How do you replace a gas primer bulb on a Toro string trimmer?

Remove the filter cover. unhook the two fuel lines behind the primer bulb. Remove the two screws (inset star) that hold the carburetor, then gently rotate the filter base to expose the back of the primer bulb push the two retaining tabs and remove the primer taking notice which fuel lines go into it, one is longer than the other. Replace in reverse order and replace gaskets if damaged. Paul

How do you replace primer ball to gas tankto my McCulloch chainsaw mac3200?

It is simply held in by plastic tabs on the primer bulb. All you have to do is pry behind it and easily pop it out with a flat screw driver.The tabs break easily but replacment primer bulbs are available.