If your code is PO171 or PO174 then there is a fuel delivery issue, If your fuel filter hasn't been replaced yet then do that first before replacing the fuel pump[The volume of sending fuel is insufficient]
It will, if it causes the fuel mixture to be out of range.
An engine cylinder misfire has been detected if your check engine light is flashing ( I'm not a mechanic / technician but it could be a spark plug , spark plug wire , the fuel mixture , or some other problem )
There are dozens and dozens of causes for the check engine light to stay on. You need to have the computer checked for codes to know possible causes.
check spark plugs and wires
Check the fuel and air filters. If they are clean, open the carburetor needle valve 1/8 turn for a slightly richer mixture to handle the extra load on the engine when the auger is engaged.
you have a problem with your engine and and its emissions. take it to auto zone for a free check.
Any vehical which emits white smoke out the back means there is a problem with the engine burning oil. Check the tail pipe to see if it is dripping a mixture of water and oil.
Check your gas cap.....My check Engine light always comes on if it is loose or not on at all.
Low fluid levels in engine.
Check to see if your gas cap is tight.
Your bad muffler might be part of the reason your check engine light comes on. Usually, your bad muffler causes something else to go wrong and that causes your check engine light to come on. Problems cascade.
There are pages and pages of causes for a check engine light. You need to have it checked for codes with a scanner to know what to diagnose. After the repair you can clear the code with a scanner.