Shaking can be caused by a number of things. Is the whole car shaking or is it more in the stearing wheel or during braking. Have the tires balanced. This is inexpencive and could be the problem also have them checked for seperation. It could be a severly worn wheel bearing. If the shaking occurs more during braking it could be a warped rotor. A worn tie rod can also cause some shaking. My best advise is take it to a tire shop first to rule that out and most shops can check the tie rods, wheel bearings and also brake rotors. Hope this can help get you started.
might have misaligned or loose wheels
the cuase of this is ussaully worped rotars
Could be a problem with your torque converter
Cylinder miss, broken motor mount, or vacuum leak.
Cylinder misfire. Possibly failed or failing engine mounts.
The engine of the car may need to be cleaned or your oil may need to be changed.
Normally this is caused by a tire out of balance or a bent wheel.
have front suspension checked
i would really like to know myself
physics involved,to keep it simple roters. 65;
Normally a bent wheel or tire out of balance.
because the alignment is off Warped or out of round brake rotors/drums.