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the clicking sound is the blinker. when you signal to turn with your blinker the light flashes and makes a clicking sound.

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Q: What causes a clicking sound when turning right in your truck?
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It is a clicking sound

Your car makes a clicking sound on the front end as you turn right or left?

press the turning signal idiot

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sounds to me like a really bad c.v joint or joints

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1. dead battery 2. bad starter 3. bad cylinoid

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The cause of the squealing sound is because you are turning the steering wheel completely to the right or left

Clicking sound when turning key?

A clicking sound when you turn the key could mean your battery is dead. It could also indicate the starter is going out.

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sounds like a cv joint

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It CAN be CV joints, but it depends on the sound.

If you hear a clicking sound when turning left or right in a 1990 Honda accord dx is that an indication that you need new axeles?

YES. replace only the one that is cliking.

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It is probably just your exaust manifld cooling.

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starter part were the wires are.