none. That would be 121 inches between each lug nut,and you would have that times 5,that is a huge rim with no support what so ever.
I think they mean 121mm not inches. That would mean 5 bolts in a 121mm circle or in inches it would be 5 bolts in a 4.76 inch circle.
yeah i figured.
Thousands of cars use that bolt pattern.
most bmw's will fit that
What other cars have 5 x 127 mm bolt pattern
Can you please provide a list of all cars that use a (5 x 127) bolt pattern. Thanks
All 91-96 GM B-body cars have a 5" wheel bolt pattern.
Toyota Camry 2002
BMW, And BMW 5 series in particular
Jaguar XJ Series
Mercedesaudiford granada mk11they are all 5 x 112 bolt pattern
What car has a 5 x 120 pcd
The list is huge but mostly rear wheel drive GM cars. This does not include the huge GM cars because their bolt pattern is 5 on 5.