The car Charlie drives is a Lancia Delta. The car that Victor drives is a Citroen Pluriel C3.
The duration of Letters to Juliet is 1.75 hours.
Letters to Juliet was created on 2010-05-14.
The Juliet Letters was created on 1993-01-19.
Letters to Juliet was released on 05/14/2010.
The Production Budget for Letters to Juliet was $30,000,000.
Letters To Juliet (2010) is rated PG by MPAA.
Letters to Juliet grossed $79,135,982 worldwide.
Letters to Juliet grossed $53,032,453 in the domestic market.
as a person who likes this song. no it was not written for letters to Juliet. this song was out i belive almost two years ago and letters to Juliet just came out so your answer is no.
The cast of The Juliet Letters - 1993 includes: Elvis Costello