Trouble code P0703 means:Torque converter/brake switch B circuit malfunction
Trouble code P0703 means:Torque converter/brake switch B circuit malfunction
Trouble code P0703 means:Torque converter/brake switch B circuit malfunction
solucion para estos codigos, p0700, p0703.
Brake light performance code. Most often caused by a bad brake light switch. Can be caused by corroded conections or damaged wiring, Remote car starter installers are famous for causing this fault.
Trouble code P0703 means: Torque converter/brake switch B, circuit malfunction
Replace the brake light switch would probably be a start. check the wiring and tcm
It's a brake circuit B malfunction. So probably one of your brake lights is not working. If they are working you probably need to get the car to a shop because your anti skid system may be affected.
Each code of cars represents something different from one another. It works like this, a Code One car represents a new, regular car. A Code Two car would represent a used car, and a code three would represent a rebuild car, which you have to re-register.
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Make a car. Choose the RGB. You now have the colour for the car.
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The code for the car is the license plate number.