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You can hire a lawyer that will plead your case in court but that will cost you a lot of money. I'll assume that you don't have a lot of money otherwise you would have had car insurance. You will have to face the face that you have done two things wrong. You have caused an accident and you have driven a car without insurance. At times like these we need to accept what we have done and pay the price.

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Q: What can you do if you have no car insurance and you are being sued for an accident your wife that you were separated from and now divorced from had caused?
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Because the accident could have been caused by the use of drugs.

Are you still at fault if the other person does not have insurance?

Yes, If the accident was your fault, then it is your fault. Whether or not they have insurance has nothing to do with who's at fault, or who actually caused the accident.

What are the basic rules of car insurance in Massachussets?

Basically, you have to pay for insurance. If you get into an accident, you are at least partly responsible for the damage that accident caused, whether or not you were at fault. Insurance helps to pay for that damage.

Do you call your insurance company if you caused damage?

It is advisable to call your insurance company immediately in any accident. If you do not, they may think that you are trying to defraud them by hiding the accident.

How do you get an accident claim against own car when the car is fully insured?

Report the accident to your insurance company. If this was a single car accident - meaning yours- your insurance will have to pay for the repairs minus your deductible. If another party caused the accident you need to turn their insurance information over to your company and they will take it from there.

Can you claim on someone's insurance for an accident caused due to them parking on a corner blocking view of road?

If they were not parked illegally then they are not responsible for your accident.

If you are at fault for an accident does your insurance company get billed for the damages of the other person in the accident?

Yes,, That's what it's for. It pays for damages you caused to another.

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accident insurance and pensions for workers.

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The insurance company is not liable to pay out any damages that were caused in the accident and they cancel your policy. This means that the driver bears the full financial burden for the costs of the accident.

What happens if you are in an accident that is not your fault but you have no insurance or license?

you got to jail for not having insurance or a vaild license and you are personally liable for all the damages you caused.

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Health insurance usually covers things such as routine exams, immunizations, cancer, hospital stays for any reason. The other usually covers things caused by an accident or a cold!

If your test riding a motorcycle and crash who's insurance is responsible?

the person responsible for the accident, if the person riding yours caused the accident than he/she is responsible