Purpose of Scotch guard is to protect fabrics like furniture, clothing and the seats in your car. It can applied to almost any type of clothing, rugs and cart seats. Scotch Guard repels liquids and blocks stains.
It may be important to Scotch-Guard your living room furniture if you have children or pets. But, you should refer to your cleaning instructions on how to best go about Scotch-Guarding your furniture.
You'll typically have to buy scotch guard seperately, although some big box stores will sell both as a package.
No, it's manufactured here.
OXY Carpet Cleaner And Stain can scotch guard a pottery barn rug. This product can be found at any store such as Walmart, Target, and other stores. Similar products can also be used and are also easy to find.
Stain guard...we just bought furniture that has Scotch Gard already on it :) Actually, it is both a water repellent, AND a stain inhibitor. For years we have used ScotchGard on winter clothing, and hunting clothing, including boots, as a water repellent. It works great.j3h.
Scotch Guard
Scotch Guard. It repealed stains very well too. Don't know what chemicals were in it tho.
Jennifer convertibles offers scotch guard protection on there sofas.
You can't actually make him waterproof, but try scotch guard on his clothes. That might help.
They have stain protectant sprays such as scotch guard you can use on them.
Yeh, you can get scotch guard spray to coat the seats.
Banks first used Scotch tape to mend torn currency during the Depression.