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This is the danger of not 'promptly' reporting all claims, (as your contract for insurance states), you need to file the claim NOW...hopefully your insurance company will still take care of it.

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Q: What can happen when you don't file a claim or police report then 2 months pass and the other person wants money to fix the car?
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AnswerIf you were in an accident with this person and a police report was filed, the police department will likely have this information. If a police report was not filed, you can either file a report after the fact or take the person to small claims court. The police and/or judge may be able to compel person in question to disclose the information.

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If you are arrested due to an untrue police report, the person that made the report can be arrested and charged with filing a false police report. You would in turn be the victim in the case. The police may or may not need you as a witness in the false report case. You may also have grounds to sue the person that made the false report in civil court. Remember that even if the person is found not guilty in criminal court, they can still be sued.

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If your being bullied, report the person bullying you to a parent, a teacher, police officer.

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