get a tune up it could be the spark plugs not firing right or clean ur fuel injectors
An intermittent crankshaft sensor will not let the engine fire the correct times. This can definitely cause a misfire for the engine.
Do a proper diagnosis to figure out the cause of the misfire, then repair it.
An engine computer does not cause a misfire but merely reports it. The misfire is probably caused by the ignition coil or plug wires
Anything that could cause a cylinder misfire can cause the check engine light to flash. A restricted fuel filter is one.Anything that could cause a cylinder misfire can cause the check engine light to flash. A restricted fuel filter is one.
If you have a "check engine" light on, start with having the codes read. A misfire code can tell you which cylinder or cylinders are having problems. A misfire could be the cause of your engine vibration.
Yes, water can cause a misfire, which will cause the check engine light to flash.
if sludge is keeping oil from draining away from valve guide a cylinder can suck in oil and cause plug to misfire
Turning on the headlights with the engine turned of.
If it is causing the cylinder to misfire, yes.
Several things can cause your 1996 4.3 liter V-6 engine to misfire and have a vibration. A bad fuel injector is the most common cause.