In "The Sea of Monsters," Tyson is bothered by the fact that the new friends in the salon are disrespecting Percy and treating him poorly. Tyson values loyalty and is fiercely protective of his friends, so seeing Percy being mistreated by others upsets him. He stands up for Percy and shows his loyalty by defending him against the bullies.
Well I'm just a kid answering this but I think I you believe in yourself thinkinging you are handsome or beautiful you will know ! People say many things you will never know if you are ugly because everyone is unique in their own way and has their own opinion ! Many people can call you beautiful but as an insult when you don't have a comeback you answer you are ugly ! Just say thank you or don't answer it will drive the person nuts ! Haha I'm only a kid answering this but I've been called ugly and it bothered me in my conclusion everyone has their own opinion so don't care
ugly ugly ugly ugly
Yes Ugly Betty IS awesome! ** no ugly betty is ugly and bettyey
Stop leach by, ugly brontosaur. ugly ugly ugly, dinosaur duck.
Yes she does! She is very ugly too. If you see her you go blind. She is an ogor! Ugly, ugly, ugly!!
I say if he is ugly his name is ugly
as ugly as you are
catterpillars are as ugly as ugly butterflys with five legs
pee is ugly its what comes out of your body