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Q: What best describes annually renewable term insurance?
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Which of the following best describes the use of renewable resource?

Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished or regenerated within a human lifespan. They are sustainable sources of energy, such as sunlight, wind, and hydropower, which can be used without depleting the Earth's finite resources. Utilizing renewable resources helps reduce environmental impact and dependency on fossil fuels.

What phrase best describes a commercial automobile insurance policy that provides coverage for all business vehicles without having to notify the insurance company every time a vehicle is added?

A rolling inventory. You would need to report the vehicle list to the carrier on a predetermined basis (monthly, quarterly, or annually). They would charge you premium based upon your estimate and then after each report they would credit or invoice you for differences from the estimated count.

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Renewable energy can't run out. Non-renewable energy WILL run out. Renewable energy is produced at a constant rate, non-renewable is not. Renewable energy is free when the generator is built, non-renewable is not. Renewable energy does not cause pollution (with the exception of biofuels), non-renewable energy does.

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