Ch. 24 History Textbook Give Me Liberty! by Eric Foner, "Along with a home and television set, the car became part of what sociologists called 'the standard consumer package' of the 1950s."
6 volt DC automotive systems in the USA was the standard in the 40's. 12 volt DC systems became the standard during the 1950's.
India became Republic on 26 January, 1950.
1950 by Vladimir Raitz.
Treasury Men in Action - 1950 The Case of the Priceless Package 3-19 was released on: USA: 8 January 1953
The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure was created in 1950.
January 26, 1950, the day India became a republic.
Made in 1950.
In the 1950's.
Its when Jazz first became Big.