Average price in 2006 was $20,044 for a domestic car. Average price in 2006 for an import was $28,739. Overall average for all cars sold was $22,651.
30 kilometers per hour.
depending on the tire and how you drive, on average i would say 35000 to 40000 miles
87.5 kph
If what you want is the total distance traveled, you need to multiply the average speed by the time.Please note that "59 kilometers" is not a speed; perhaps you mean "59 kilometers per hour". If, on the other hand, "59 kilometers" is the TOTAL DISTANCE, and you want the average speed, you need to divide the total distance by the time.
Average is hard to determine. Almost any modern vehicle which is taken car of can easily go 200,000 miles (321,868 kilometers).
Average Speed
The average car mileage in Europe is about 2.518 miles per gallon. The speed of the vehicles in the town is 18.7 kilometers per hour.
675 k/h (is this a trick question?) 675 kilometers