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Ransom E. Olds for the modern assembly line and its basic concept who produced the first mass produced automobile, the Oldsmobile Curved Dash. 19,000 Curved Dash Oldsmobiles were built between 1901 and 1907.

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Q: What automobile giant changed how cars were made?
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Who made the cars more advanced?

All the automobile manufacturers did and still do.

How has the automobile changed the world?

Automobiles have made it easier and faster to travel, in terms of transportation.

What is the top selling automobile model made by Nissan?

The top selling automobile model made by Nissan is the Nissan Sentra. This car has also been named one of the top selling cars in America.

Why are the cars made in Japan?

actually if your question is are cars made in japan? the answer is NO. Vehicles were discovered in U.S. and that is cars so so cars is american and made in America, not japan. Japan? japan who ! __ First, cars weren't "discovered" in the US. The first automobile was invented in Europe. Cars made in Japan are either for the Japanese market, or built by companies owned by companies in Japan.

Name 3 ways the automobile changed american life?

1. They gave the freedom people REALLY needed. 2. Cars spiced up people's sex lives. 3. The petrol the cars in American needed made a great excuse for America to attack nations around the world.

Which company made the hybrid car?

Nowaday, all major automobile companies r making hybrid cars.

Was a camera made before a automobile?

Yes, cameras were around (+-50) years before the earliest cars that ran on gasoline.

When where cars made?

The first practical automobile was invented and produced in Germany by Karl Benz in 1885. They have been built ever since.

How has the automobile made everyday life easier?

If we need somthing from the store we just drive there but before cars we would have to walk there and with out cars it would take a long time for people to get to where there going

Who made the first automobile in America?

Gotileb Haimler invented the internal combustion engine in 1885. It made gasoline produce power which made the automobile possible. By 1900 Henry Ford invented the first masss produced car and people started buying cars by the early 1900's and people stopped using horses and bought the automobile.

How did the automobile industry start other businesses?

The automobile industry gave rise to many other businesses, both directly and indirectly. Supplies and parts were needed to manufacture cars. The spread of cars made possible other businesses such as drive in movie theatres and drive through restaurants.

What methods did Henry ford use to make his new automobile affordable?

He made an assembly line to make the cars faster ....... Coconuts..Jernalee ^_^